Finding God in St. Patrick’s Day

As March 17th approaches, we’re reminded of the legacy of a man who found strength and solace in his unwavering faith. St. Patrick was enslaved in Ireland, and he found strength through his Christian beliefs, praying, and trusting in God’s guidance. After escaping, he dedicated his life to spreading Christianity throughout Ireland. His legacy is celebrated on St. Patrick’s Day, reminding Christians of the importance of steadfast faith in difficult times.

Sacred Ground

God teaches us so much in seasons of struggle. I think back to the caregiving days of my mom, sister and mother-in-law. The caregiving role can often be isolating, exhausting, and depleting. As I put my own agenda and comfort aside, it is in those times where God gives us strength in our weakness, joy in the mundane, and reminds us that every circumstance can be sacred ground. 

Coming to the other side of all three of their deaths, we can look back knowing we served them well. When facing adversity, a steadfast faith helps make sense of life. Just as St. Paul urged the Thessalonians to rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18), we are reminded that our faith is not anchored in fleeting circumstances but in the unchanging truth of God’s Word. This St. Patrick’s Day, let us honor his legacy by embracing the unwavering faith that sustained him.

Wear Green with Gratitude

Let us rejoice not only in the blessings we’ve received but also in the knowledge that our Heavenly Father’s love never fails. As we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, may our hearts resonate with the gratitude born out of our profound faith, and may we share the love of Christ with those around us.

So, as we put on our green attire, let us not only celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, but also give praise to the Lord who guides and sustains us. May the grace of God abound in your life abundantly, and may you find true joy and peace in the steadfastness of your faith.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


a discipline learned through practice

Being thankful. It should come easy this time of year…right?

Actually, giving thanks in all things doesn’t come naturally for us any time of the year.

A new study of everyday language use around the world, published in the Royal Society Open Science journal, found that in informal settings people almost always fulfilled requests, but only 1 in 20 times did they receive a “thank you” for their efforts. 

Thanksgiving Day is a great holiday. It causes pause for us to show appreciation and return kindness. It is an acknowledgement of our gratitude.

Gratitude strikes at the heart of envy and entitlement. It is a discipline that must be learned through practice. But there are great dividends.

A thankful heart and grateful words rest in God’s provision and trust in God’s timing.

Gratitude can be described as:

  • a specific behavior – Thank you for cooking that pumpkin pie…it was delicious!
  • a personality trait – The gracious uncle everyone loves at Thanksgiving Dinner.
  • a feeling – I’m so grateful for my family.

When we focus on the good stuff, the blessing, it improves multiple areas of our life, including relationships, attitude, and even character. In fact, an NBC News “State of Kindness Poll” found that 70% of people would forego a 10% raise for a more gracious boss.

Gratefulness is the very essence of how Jesus, our sinless Savior, lived his life here on earth.  When Jesus shared his final meal with his disciples on the night he was betrayed, the Bible records in Luke 22:19 “He took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them.” 

Ann Voskamp in her book One Thousand Gifts references this verse and goes on to explain the meaning of “gave thanks” as the Greek word eucharisteo. The root word is charis, meaning grace. But eucharisteo also holds its derivative from the word for “chara” meaning joy. She goes on to explain that “our deepest joy is found at the table of thanksgiving.”

Jesus gave thanks on the night before facing his deepest suffering – being nailed to a cross and being separated from His Father for the sins of the world. In what seemed to the world as defeat and failure, Jesus knew to give thanks. Thus, at the table, a place of great joy was found.

Do we realize that in our everyday lives the only way to enter the full life is to give thanks no matter our circumstance?  It is so easy to speak the language of discontentment, worry, and self- condemnation never being fully satisfied.

Ann Voskamp reminds us, “Life change comes when we receive life with thanks and ask for nothing to change.”

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

This Thanksgiving season as we pause to show our appreciation and acknowledgement for God’s provision, may we learn to practice the discipline of gratitude.

It brings great joy!

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Premarital Counseling?

Getting married? Have you thought about pre-marital counseling? Here are 4 tips to help you maximize your pre-marital experience from the couple who helped prepare Chip and Joanna Gaines for marriage.

Over the past 28 years, we have journeyed with thousands of couples, including Chip and Joanna Gaines, through marriage preparation. As the wedding countdown begins for you, we hope marriage will be as rewarding and fulfilling for you as it has been for us.

Before we dive in, we would want you to consider using a term the church has used for centuries – marriage preparation – instead of pre-marital counseling.

Think of marriage prep more as educational not mental health/wellness. Additional individual or couple counseling may be needed to deal with past hurts or issues like anxiety, sexual abuse, depression or father wounds, but this requires a trained licensed professional.

Marriage prep walks through contemporary issues, sharpens skills, and features Biblical principles that guide you through living out your solemn vows.

Here are our 4 tips:

1. Consider the Pressure

Chip was so ready to be married. But it wasn’t only Chip’s inner desire that drove him—it was the external pressure he was facing from singleness, grandparents, family, church friends, etc. to give Jo her “ring by spring.”

These pressures—both internal and external—all build up. They push us. They pull us. They distract us. They are like a car riding our rear bumper on the freeway, pushing us to go faster.

It is good for us to slow down and think through where we are headed. To be intentional. To ask the right questions. To contemplate the questions behind the questions. Marriage prep prompts this.

God isn’t intimidated by our questions. He welcomes them. It is through this that we see God working. Faith is developed.

It requires faith and intentionality. Don’t shortcut the process.

Driving questions:

  • What is pushing me to get married? What excites me the most?
  • Are our parents for or against it? Does it really matter?
  • What do I need to know to have a meaningful and satisfying marriage? Why are dynamic relationships valuable to life?

2. Consider the Foundation

Marriage prep helps you to “know thyself” and be secure with who you are before you enter a sacred commitment. You see, your core values shape your foundational assumptions of a healthy marriage.

In searching for answers to life’s questions it’s best to look at the model of humanity, Jesus. Reading about His life, we find several “marks of adulthood” that did not exist during his childhood. His conduct in the book of Luke helps us see that in response to hard questions He is able to think and communicate about important life issues, without getting caught up in childish games.

Later in Jesus’ life, we see several other marks that identify Jesus’ maturity:

  • His conduct was acceptable and appropriate.
  • He considered others as more important than self.
  • He was trusted to do what He said He was going to do.

Jesus entire life was to give a correct opinion of God.

And as we mature, that same integrity should increasingly mark our character as well. For if you’re going to love someone for the rest of your life, doesn’t it make sense to be able to be mature and to take responsibility not only for your own life, but to look out for the other?

Jesus said, “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought…You’re blessed when you get your inside world–your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.” (Matthew 5:5 & 8, The Message)

Marriage prep can help you get your inside world put right. It’s foundational!

Driving questions:

  • What is it you believe to be true about life? What drives you? Helps you determine right or wrong?
  • How do these influence your current relationship?
  • Do your actions match your beliefs?

3. Consider the Expectations

Expectations. We all have them whether they’re written down or floating in our head.

Unrealistic expectations can be destructive and discouraging in a new marriage. Often the focus is on the veneer—the thin, polished, surface stuff. Instead of focusing on the veneer, focus on character, values, calling, and personal beliefs about God and life. Marriage prep helps a couple go deeper and gets you on the same page regarding things that matter most.

God’s expectations for marriage include:

  • Sanctification:  Marriage will change us for the better.
  • Servanthood:  Marriage enables us to serve someone else.
  • Spiritual growth:  Marriage places us under the mutual spirit of love.
  • Model:  Christians need to see marriage as a picture of Christ’s relationship to the church.

Thankfully, like a teacher encouraging students to ask questions, James offers this, “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given to him.”

Wisdom. True insight into life.

Marriage prep provides space to reflect on whether your expectations are realistic in regard to your future relationship, and the wisdom to know that Mr. or Mrs. Right is not a superhero nor a savior. Learn to accept them.

Driving questions:

  • What are some expectations you have for marriage? Do these match God’s?
  • What are the questions I am asking of our relationship? Are they the right ones?
  • Why does disillusionment come when the honeymoon is over? How can disillusionment lead to fulfillment and satisfaction?

4. Consider the Options

The days prior to a wedding can be hectic. One of the biggest mistakes many couples make is collecting great resources and then becoming overwhelmed by the amount of information gathered. Oftentimes the resources are placed on a shelf only to be retrieved during a major crisis several years later – often too little, too late – when the damage is done.

We highly encourage couples to participate in marriage preparation through one of these options:

  • 8 session study on preparing for a Godly marriage – we have written a Bible study workbook, To Have and To Hold, published by LifeWay. It is a great resource for couples leading up to their vows.
  • Weekly Class – Often done in a small group setting with a leader couple facilitating discussion. The idea is to provide a springboard of conversation for the engaged couple.
  • Weekend Retreat – This is a condensed version of a class done in relaxed retreat setting. Before and after the retreat a couple will work through course content.
  • One-on-One – Meet individually with a pastor or mentor.

So, as you prepare for your marriage, make time in your calendar. Grow in your understanding of Jesus Christ as family becomes a priority. Allow the Holy Spirit to be Teacher, Instructor, Guide, Counselor, and Coach as you discover Biblical principles that govern the way life can be lived to the fullest.

As you meet at the altar, may your wedding day fulfill your dreams; but more importantly, may you be adequately prepared to fulfill your vow – and enjoy the process. Have fun!  The BEST is yet to come!

Is It Easier (and Cheaper) Having a Son’s Wedding?

5 Things I Now Know About Being the Father of the Groom

Our family had two weddings in six weeks. People often said, “Well, at least one of them is a guy!” or “Aren’t you glad your son’s wedding is second?” As if to imply having a son get married is a breeze, and giving your daughter away is financially and emotionally disastrous.  After being the Father of the Groom, here are 5 things I know.

1. It isn’t cheaper

Nothing about a wedding is cheap. Let’s get this straight, you may save a buck or two when your son gets married compared to your daughter’s wedding, but our culture has somewhat tried to divide the wedding cost.

A rehearsal dinner is not cheap, and we had a simple bar-b-que by the lake that more resembled a family cookout than a stately dinner.

Add in the marriage license, officiant’s fee, corsages, boutonnieres, the bride’s bouquet, groomsmen gifts, and the DJ or band, and you are broke.

In fact, paying for a wedding is the opposite of kidnapping. They take your wallet hostage and demand to send your kid back.

From my experience, it is worth the cost to celebrate your son’s covenant with his new bride.

2. It isn’t less emotional

I felt some of the same feelings as I did when my daughter got married, plus when my beautiful new daughter-in-law and dad walked down the aisle, I empathized with her dad. So, my emotion was compounded.

They walked from behind a beautiful rustic old barn, beneath towering Adirondack pines, and down a long-sloped path. Absolutely gorgeous.

You can’t prepare for those moments.

Then you glance at your son, and memories flood of his childhood cancer days, t-ball practice, ER visits, teaching him how to water ski, and talks on our back deck.

Reflection has a way of diving deep into our soul.

I promise, with all that we have been through with our boy, it was highly emotional.

Life was designed by God to connect Spirit, mind, and emotion as we experience the fullness of life. As a man, I work hard to keep my emotions limited to sporting events and anger. The rest of the time I stuff my emotions just as our rugged macho culture has taught me.

However, going through my son’s wedding reminded me how important it is to teach the next generation about Jesus. Especially when it involves emotions.

3. You are overlooked

Other than the jokes, you are basically just another guest. At times, I felt like I was outside of the snow globe watching this majestic moment. But at other times, I had so much responsibility that it was overwhelming.

One of my friends asked me what it’s like to be the Father of the Groom, so I told him to leave me alone, and when he did, I asked him why he was ignoring me.

That’s what it is like.

It’s crazy.

This tension explains the duplicitous feelings I felt throughout the whole process.

Over the last year, I have learned that to be a good dad of married children I must weave my way through the tension of knowing when to be fully present and when to go off radar while still being supportive.

4. You have NO say

A few years ago, I watched a TV show. The father was instructing his son regarding the upcoming wedding.  He said, “They will ask your opinion, but always say ‘no’ twice before you say ‘yes.’ That way they think you care.”

Meanwhile, in the other room, the mother is advising the bride-to-be, “My husband wants to think he is in charge, but he is not. So, give him three choices. He will say “no” twice before he finally says “yes.” So always make your preference third.”

For the wedding plans, we dads are merely followers.

It is a good life lesson, because I am not in charge of my son’s new family.

That is his job.

My job is to offer prayer, support, and encouragement.

Also, not a bad Spiritual lesson to be reminded that I am not the one in charge.

5. Yet, you matter.

Although you might be an emotional and financial wreck feeling overlooked with no say, we Fathers of the Groom matter.

Looking back, my dad was so important to our family, as was his dad, and his dad.

Multiple studies have shown that an involved father contributes to the emotional well-being of their child and provides a strong resource throughout life. From my experience, I have learned that a grown son needs a dad, or father figure, just about as much after the wedding.

Rites of passages, like getting married, are significant mile markers that provide an opportunity to actually pass the baton to the next generation.

The greatest legacy I can pass on to my son and daughter-in-law is found in Colossians 2:6-7

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

The reality of Jesus was passed on to me from my dad as his father and father-in-law taught him to be deeply rooted in his faith.

I know I matter because God has designed my role as a dad, Father of the Groom, to be one of great significance for the Kingdom.

Dads, the next generation needs us. Even if we seemed to be overlooked at the wedding.

Why is Valentine’s Day Sometimes Awkward?

One of our buddies lightheartedly says Valentine’s Day is a mere holiday created by Hallmark. If he is right, it worked. Approximately 150 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged annually, making Valentine’s Day the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas.

Approximately 150 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged annually.

It is a day that celebrates romance. A day set aside to openly express our love and appreciation. Yet, for married couples it often brings awkward pressure.

Our first year of marriage, Byron tried to be so creative. He planned a week of surprises. The day before Valentine, he gave Carla a set of hubcaps. Yep, HUBCAPS! Long story, but it made sense…sorta.

It was fun. And our car needed them?!?

Except the next day in Carla’s office all of the women received flowers delivered to their desks. Byron had planned a romantic dinner, but Carla was so hurt. “ALL the women got flowers…I got hubcaps!”

In defense of Byron, he showered her with meaningful gifts all week, but the last gift was hubcaps. The dinner was ruined with conflict.

We had disappointingly missed each other.

Why is Valentine’s Day so awkward? How can couples take full advantage of such a special day?

Understanding Valentine’s Day

Why celebrate Valentine’s? Various legends say:

  • Valentine was a priest who was put to death for continuing to officiate weddings for young soldiers,
  • or the church wanted to “Christianize” a fertility festival,
  • or it marked the beginning of the birds’ mating season.

Although the truth is murky, the age-old stories emphasize St. Valentine as a heroic and romantic figure.

Make it Personal

There is evidence that the church has been involved in this romantic day for centuries. Why? Not sure, but we suspect it’s because God is love.

God is for meaningful relationships.

God is for romance.

He is in the business of teaching us to love. And we need the help.

Holidays and celebrations help guide us into new perspectives by

  • creating a communal remembrance.
  • slowing us down to think.
  • helping us re-center on what matters.

Therefore, the best way to enjoy Valentine’s is to take a communal event and make it personal. More importantly, determine what works best for you as a couple.

Suggestions for Expressing Your Love

If you have been dating for a week or married for 60 years, hopefully you have learned to express your love by speaking your spouse’s love language—not yours. Thank you, Dr. Chapman.

[If not, take a quiz at]

Here are four simple thoughts:

  • Be creative. Do something out of the ordinary that truly communicates your love.
  • Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Be you, and make Valentine’s week fun.
  • Allow Valentine’s Day to be a reminder of Jesus’ sacrificial love for us.
  • Most of all keep an element of surprise for your sweetie.

So, take full advantage of “the month of love” by letting the one you love know it. Our recommendation is to avoid giving hubcaps or toasters as you make it a special day.